"How to cure foot fungus", "how to quickly get rid of onychomycosis, foot fungus, gain eternal youth and defeat death. " These are all issues on the same level. The fungus on the legs cannot be treated quickly and reliably, especially with homemade methods. You still need a dermatologist.
Ringworm of the foot is a skin disease caused by the spread of parasitic fungi and is one of the most common diseases that affect human skin (photo).
The disease is quite difficult to treat and leads to complications, as it rarely starts on time.

Often, a person infected with a fungal infection does not pay attention to the symptoms and the bacteria has time to "settle" firmly on the skin.
Causes of fungus on the feet
The high prevalence of ringworm in the foot is explained by the fact that the disease is easily transmitted from person to person at the level of home contact.
Pathogens love a moist, warm environment that encourages the growth of fungi.
Swimming pools, gyms, baths and saunas - where a person can step on the floor barefoot, are some of the first places where you can catch a fungus.
The use of household items and personal belongings of a person with ringworm on the feet (towels, cloths) inevitably leads to infection.
The second reason for the spread of fungal infection and the formation of ringworm of the foot is the failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, increased sweating of the legs.
Rarely changing socks and putting them on wet feet also creates all the favorable conditions for the growth of fungi on the feet.
Foot fungus symptoms
There are several forms of ringworm of the foot, whose symptoms have different characteristics.
Erased shape of toe fungus
The symptoms of this form of ringworm of the foot are insignificant and this is the insidiousness of the skin disease.
Mild dryness and peeling of the dermis are accepted by a person as an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon.
Although the gaps that appear between the fingers are considered diaper rash, they are actually symptoms of fungal exposure.
Scaly-hyperkeratic form of foot fungus
The most common form of mycosis of the foot in the population over 60 is the moccasin foot.
It is so named because of the obvious visible signs that appear on the surface of the foot:
- rough skin thickened across the surface;
- cracks, calluses (hyperkeratosis);
- fixation of the nail plate lesion;
- the color is dirty gray, with yellowing;
- unpleasant odor;
- separation of the stratum corneum, scales;
- pain when walking and inability to wear shoes.
Vesicular form of foot fungus
Mycoses of the foot, with blister-like symptoms with a thick stratum corneum, are called the wet form of fungal infection.

The blisters that appear over time open up and become like eczema, ulcers, psoriasis.
In general, mycoses of the foot manifest themselves in different ways.
The disease can start with cracked heels, blistering and itchy blisters, severe diaper rashes or rough skin.
The peeling of the skin cannot go unnoticed when it exfoliates in large or small flakes of the foot.
There is also an unpleasant odor, the legs sweat quickly and, after wearing shoes, the foot "burns" and itches.
Complications resulting from a negligent attitude towards the symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of erosions and painful wounds on the legs, which sometimes cannot be fully healed.
Foot fungus treatment
For the treatment of mycosis of the foot, new generation antimiotics are used. They are not so bad for the liver and are very effective.
However, the fungus is insidious, as it quickly develops resistance to various types of drugs, causing relapse.
To cure a fungal infection of the foot, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, identifying what type of ringworm has spread through the skin. To do this, scraping is done for the fungus.
Comprehensive treatment, with a precise scheme for the use of medications, both local and systemic, should be determined only by a specialist, as self-medication causes the problem to worsen.
And the third point of a successful cure is the patient's strict discipline in taking medication, adhering to a diet and taking preventive measures.
Various treatment regimes for ringworm of the foot are used - combined and monotherapy.
And if a drug is selected for monotherapy, more often for external use.
This combined scheme involves several directions in the treatment at once:
- outdoor remedies;
- tablets for internal use;
- laser exposure;
- hardware pedicure.
External remedies for foot fungus
The most effective, capable of influencing the fungus, is a substance that destroys both mold and yeast-like fungi, and can combat dermatophytes and infections of non-fungal origin, which are usually associated with mycosis of the foot.
This substance can be presented in several forms - spray, cream or gel, solution, etc.
The products act on the principle of forming a protective film, which can be retained on the surface of the skin for up to 72 hours.
External medications are applied in the amount prescribed by the doctor, but often, the procedure is performed 1 to 2 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks, so the treatment continues, but according to a different schedule.
Before applying the ointment or cream, the foot is cleaned.
Salicylic acid wraps are made to remove the stratum corneum, soapy soda baths and petroleum jelly ointment are used to soften and remove dead tissue.
Such procedures are performed in special rooms for medical pedicure, using rectification accessories.
Before treating mycosis of the feet with a wet type, the ulcers and blisters must be dried with boric acid, bright green or iodine.
To prevent the fungus from spreading to the nail plates, special varnishes against onychomycosis are prescribed.
But the vesicular form of ringworm will require the addition of corticosteroids to the treatment regimen.
How to cure a fungus on the feet - systemic therapy
Ingestion of antimycotics internally is not indicated for all patients with ringworm of the foot.
The drugs are quite toxic, therefore, pregnant and lactating women, young children, the elderly, as well as those with liver dysfunction are not prescribed.
According to the instructions attached to the medication or according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor, forms of antimycotics pills are taken.
Recently, drugs that relieve fungus on the nails and feet in 1 course have been shown to be good, relieve itching, flaking and irritation of the skin on the legs after the first application.
Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus on the feet
If there are categorical contraindications for treating ringworm of the foot with medications, you can try folk remedies.
How to cure foot fungus at home:
- The acid found in wine vinegar or table vinegar (9%) is an effective folk remedy against fungi. It is used to lubricate the skin surface affected by ringworm and to put cotton socks on top. Leave overnight. Vinegar is not recommended for those who have sores or sores on their legs. In this case, it is better to reduce the concentration of the folk remedy or to replace it with a milder one.
- Fermented coffee shows good results. It is necessary to prepare the drink stronger and enough so that you can completely immerse your feet in it. For prevention, alternative treatment is performed on two limbs at the same time, even if ringworm is seen in only one. Perform the procedure at bedtime.
- Celandine scalding also acts as an effective folk remedy that can rid your feet of fungi in a month. Prepare a bath at a rate of 4 tablespoons. l for 1 l. Water. The grass is boiled, after which the legs fly in a hot collection for up to half an hour. You can also bring a stronger collection of herbs for making beer - oak bark, chamomile, knotweed, sage, eucalyptus and fir needles. They all have excellent antifungal properties.
- You can also use lotions from a local anesthetic by moistening a cotton sponge in a medicinal solution and applying it to the affected area. A folk remedy quickly relieves the symptoms - pain and itching.
Prevention of fungus on the feet
Effective treatment of mycosis of the foot is possible subject to the following preventive measures:
- mandatory disinfection of the insoles and the inner surface of the shoe, the more frequent the better. To do this, use special antifungal sprays for shoes or alcohol;
- it is advisable to change the bed linen daily and it is necessary to wash it at high temperatures;
- disinfect the surface of the bathroom or shower box, and also refuse to attend public baths during treatment;
- in public places, do not walk barefoot and dry your feet before putting on your shoes;
- it is necessary to treat the fungus immediately to all members of the family, otherwise someone will be constantly infected;
- follow a diet - don't eat allergenic foods, smoked meats, preserves, very salty and spicy foods, sweets.