According to studies, every third man is faced with fungal nail infections. Moreover, nail fungus until a few decades ago, met infrequently.

According to the researchers, such a prevalence of illness obtained through the blessings of civilization: high availability, swimming pools, public saunas, gyms - that was created to enhance human health. But, having muscle or getting rid of excess weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat, which is next to it: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become as one with the new "owner". The consequences (and not only of aesthetic nature) are not forced to wait. Darkened, friable, flaking nails, bad odor from feet and shoes – not the most terrible manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus is able to spread to neighboring parts of the body, reduce local immunity and contribute to a secondary infection – penetration of the tissue and blood of pathogenic bacteria and cause the infection of others. At risk family members - people whose skin is in contact with the surface, which are microscopic particles of infected skin. It is for this reason the acquisition of for the home kit effective remedy from nail fungus is a great idea, especially if you visit a gym, swimming pools and other public places, there is a high probability of infection by the fungus. So, what are the best tools from nail fungus we offer modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine?
The best medicines for nail fungus
The active substance group of drugs has a high "cumulative" effect. This means that when using the drug substance accumulates in the tissue of the nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, is detrimental to fungi. Excipients, which are part of the drug facilitates penetration of the substance into the nail tubules, which, in fact, and spreads the fungus. Benefits. In addition to anti-drug actions prevents secondary infection of the affected tissues, relieves itching and in a short time relieves inflammation provoked by rot fungi. Disadvantages. Clinical studies of the drug, which would confirm or disprove his innocence, has not yet been performed. Therefore, today the drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and nursing women, and people with intolerance to any component of this tool. Assessment. Complex action of these drugs – it was the single important advantage which provided the drug 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best resources from nail fungus.
From the reviews: "I Treated the fungus on the nails and on the skin between the toes. Honestly, the fungus can survive, but not the itch that it causes. This drug just a day removed itching, although the fungus was treated according to the instructions until complete regrowth of the nail." The active substance of the fungus has a strong antifungal activity and effective against most yeast, molds and other fungi. Penetrating into the tissue of the nail affected by fungus, violates the substance in these organisms metabolism and destroys their cell wall, which becomes a stop-factor for the formation of colonies of fungi and their further reproduction. Benefits. High efficiency is confirmed by clinical studies, but the percentage of treatment of lesions of the nails down the list of priorities: focused on fungal diseases of the skin. For this reason, it is difficult to say: if the cream is effective in onychomycosis, as seborrhea of the scalp. But what is really proven in the local active substances are not detected in the blood even during prolonged use. Therefore, treatment for lactating, pregnant women and individuals with any diseases of the kidneys and liver this cream are allowed. Disadvantages. Not a very convenient scheme using the cream (twice a day) combined with his consistency – not thick and oily, can cause difficulty. This is especially true of those treatment found on the road or outside the home.
Assessment. In General, the shampoo deserves 10 points out of ten. But not enough large-scale clinical research regarding questions that interest us here and now – treatment for nail fungus - yet reduce its rating. So focus on 9 points. From the reviews: "I liked the shampoo when treating oily seborrhea of the head. So, if you find fungus on the nail, immediately bought the same cream. Haven't noticed any obvious results on the nail – the beginning of the treatment only a week ago, but the skin around the nail started to look healthier." The active ingredient suppresses the growth and activity of different species of fungi, including those that cause destruction of the nails. With proper use of the product according to the instructions in the nail creates the concentration of the drug with various forms of release, which for a long time prevents re-infection. Benefits. The convenience lies in the choice of dosage forms in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All dose forms of the drug are equally effective. With proper use of the drug a clear improvement is observed after 2 weeks.
Disadvantages. Quality treatment, which provides this tool, due to the powerful action of the drug with a variety of product forms. But it is for this reason the treatment of nail fungus in lactating, pregnant women and in children under 12 years is contraindicated. Assessment. One of the best remedies against nail fungus, popular all over the world, but it requires a strict observance of the rules of the game. Deserves 10 points out of 10. From the reviews: "I think that the price means too high, although to use it in spray form is really convenient. The fungus has passed however, as grown nail, used the drugs for about a month." In lacquers for the treatment of nail fungus uses different active ingredients and the cost of these drugs varies widely. This is the best and most popular accessories for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails, and they all share the same advantages and disadvantages.
Benefits. Each of the active substances is a strong antifungal agents that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. Ease of use varnish leaves no doubt – periodic or one-time treatment of the affected nail before the first (or every) use, and after have only to follow the instructions: "touch up" the nail, one to two times a day or even once a week. Disadvantages. Unfortunately, despite the effectiveness of antifungal substances that are present in the composition of varnishes, they are ineffective for deep fungal infections, as well as the localization of the fungus in the nail plate. This deficiency in some measure kompensiruet the ability of the nail to accumulate drugs, which over time spread inwards. But even given this, there is no guarantee that a few months after completion of treatment the fungus will not appear "out of nowhere". Known location: of the parts of the nail, which are unable to penetrate the active ingredients.
Assessment. The inability to predict the effectiveness of treatment immediately deprives even the best varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus a few rating points. But they always come back, because this is still the best means to prevent fungal infections. Therefore, those who visit public pools, saunas and gyms, will be interesting to see "dual" evaluation of varnishes: we give them 7 points out of 10 as drugs for treatment, and 10 out of 10 as a means for the prevention of nail fungus. Opinions on the paint of nail fungus: "I Cured the fungus on my big toe – the effect was zero. However, I have not had the opportunity to steam the leg, struck the nail Polish to dry. After a few months, bought another drug and have not regretted: the fungus has just started to break a nail, I did everything according to instructions. After 2 months and not a trace". The composition of tea tree oil includes terpenes, which serve as a basis for antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action means. And tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial agent, to date, found only in the tea tree oil, which makes it really unique.
Benefits. Given 100% natural origin oil, it may be indicated for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and nails of the foot even in pregnant women, mothers who feed babies and children. Possesses a strong antifungal activity, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and due to the antimicrobial effect prevents secondary infection sites, weakened the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Disadvantages. Strong odor that some describe as nice and fresh, others it seems a bit "medical". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil is wide, but some species of fungi are resistant to tea tree oil that makes this product useless in the treatment of several fungal infections. The oil is also not recommended for persons with individual intolerance to the components of the tool. Assessment. The almost complete absence of contraindications, efficiency, integrated action – all this allows to call the tea tree oil the best folk remedy from nail fungus and to award him 10 out of ten.From the reviews: "had to treat recurrent foot fungus during pregnancy. Synthetic drugs use were afraid, opted tea tree oil. I can say that the best remedy from nail fungus I have in my hands has not been from the "root" of the nail began to grow smooth and pink. Now constantly treated inside the street and house shoes this oil for 7 years as I forgot about the fungus".
What you need to know when treating nail fungus?
The effectiveness of tools from nail fungus can be considerably increased if you use these "tricks":
- Before application wash your feet in moderately warm water with soap (best to use baby or regular business), then you need to change the water on hot and steams the affected nail is not less than 5-7 minutes. This procedure "opens" the cells of the nail, allowing the lacquer or cream to penetrate deeper into the fabric. Just remember that hot foot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins, hypotension, elevated body temperature.
- Ensure that the nail that was grown in a timely manner was cut. She, the "free" part of the nail plate must be removed as regrowth to free access of drug to the soft tissues of the nail bed.
- Treat not only the nail but also the surrounding areas of healthy tissue. "Captures the new territory" did not hesitate, not less than 1 cm from the nail: fungus is able to survive drug attack nearby tissues, and at the end of treatment to come back as if nothing had happened.
- If the combat fungal infections has become your way of life, and you live in the "remove the fungus to rejoice over the recovery to detect the fungus again" - be sure to consult your doctor. Most likely, you will need microscopic examination of the nail sample to identify the causative agent and the subsequent administration, to which "your" fungus has not yet acquired resistance.